Does this Victoria Beckham Alexander McQueen hypnotic dress from the Resort 2009 collection makes you turn your head or makes your head turn? Love it or Hate it, cast your vote! (photos via 1, 2)

Does this Victoria Beckham Alexander McQueen hypnotic dress from the Resort 2009 collection makes you turn your head or makes your head turn? Love it or Hate it, cast your vote! (photos via 1, 2)
March 10th, 2009 by kpriss | Celebrities, Dresses
Oooh, love it! Off to vote.
That’s really a great dress. Since we seen Victoria only once in a outfit I was wondering if maybe there’s a change she can send this one to me?
I’m not so sure what to think of Alexander McQueen’s last RTW-show. Whose “Ready To wear” that?
No I think that it fits her well but just looking at the dress makes me feel nausea bound.
LOL! I’ve just read some funny comments on the site of the Daily Mail about A. McQ’s show. Yes, the Daily Mail….flame away…
But there was one, by a fellow country man of mine, which made a lot off sense to me. I still don’t like the “clothes” or the misogony I taste but I keep on wonder how it’s all been done.
The comment (sorry Rogier Dijk in Almere this is the internet……)
“Love it !! ! ! In the credit crunch we need icons not fashion we can spend money on we don’t have — Fashion is sometimes about what not to wear – about outing – about art – about we can’t do in times of need — grey and black on the news — crazy colours on the catwalk.”
Great statement, very true but not for “read-to-wear”.
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