Lindsay Lohan Clothing Collection

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Yes, your eyes are just fine! Lindsay Lohan’s clothing collection in the making these days (it’s the WWD-Bible who broke the wonderful news to the world!)

And that doesn’t mean I deemed her leggings line with the “clothing line” title! It means she’s really going for designing clothes! I suspect the designing will be really easy – skinny, leggings, white/gray/black t-shirts, cardis. (don’t miss the rest of the pictures right after the jump!)

Lindsay Lohan skinny black

Add some flops to the soup, a designer leather jacket/ginormous bag and there you have it- the LiLo original trademark look! How could you possibly get it wrong with Lindsay’s clothing line? Isn’t this great news? (I’m feeling remorseful for having said all those bad things about Kate Moss Topshop!) (photos via)

Lindsay Lohan skinny gray cardi Lindsay Lohan skinny flats

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 02.19.09 at 4:40 pm

Lindsay is designing? My rock banging vocation is looking better day by day.

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