I’m amazed and confused in the same time. Logic doesn’t help me summarize Juliette Lewis’ outfit.
Of course I can always presume her satin dress is unzipped on the side, then again it may just as well be a blouson purposely let loose for the peek-a-boo’s sake. But pearls and sequins worn together, that’s really new to me.
The sequined tights (if anyone knows who makes them, I’d really appreciate the info!) really impress me. Glitzy enough to make a smashing success for a disco routine, bad taste-ish enough to make me wonder where the world’s at but so fit-in in this outfit that I can’t argue Juliette Lewis crazy-style touch. Let’s cast our vote right after the picture! (photo via)

Juliette Lewis is an entity unto herself. She defies definition or niche placing,she does what she wants. And for that I admire her but I don’t want to dress like her.
: )
Right Julliette Lewis does what she wants and that’s what I like about her. I’ve seen her once perform and was not really impressed but not bored either. Because she’s a real rocker. Not a wannabe as we see so often in fashion circles for some time now.
As for this outfit I believe this was on the filmset of the directors debut of Mark Ruffalo as I’ve read somewhere today. I saw this outfit and another one I’d really liked. She’s a very good actress so its great she returns to the big screen.
It’s hard to vote for me since I miss: *Just because I like it.
Juliette is a bit of a loose cannon, and you’ve gotta respect her bravery. I adore these tights, too.
The tights are actually leggings. They are by Costume Dept. They have a website costumedept.com, or the exact leggings she is wearing is available at newhighmart.com
great on her but bonkers on anyone else
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