I’ll take this pretext to touch the Bellucci mania. So – Monica Bellucci is the face for the Dior bags ad campaign.
Besides the obvious photoshop work on the pictures, she looks like she always does. People always emphasize on her overwhelming sex appeal to sell anything. From movies to pictures, to various products. And I’m not saying she’s not doing that, or that she’s not a very attractive woman, I’m just saying that I’m growing tired of her always the same pose. These Dior pictures remind me of her part from “The Matrix”. But looking at these ads I can’t help but wondering if the photoshop people didn’t had a coherence coordinate to their mission. Three pictures, three different Monica. Here she looks like Catherine Zeta Jones (who’s known to be looking like Posh in her advertorials). (more after the jump, cast your vote after the video)
The best thing about Monica is that she’s not on the skinny side of life and even like that people are magnetized by her unchanged charm. It’s either you love her either you totally hate her. What would it be for you? (click thumbnails to see larger images)
(photos via tfs)

I love her and I love her European Cosmopolitaness!
I like her. She’s for me in the first place a good actress that is if she has the right part, a part that suits her.
Elllington, European Cosmoplitaness? Of course we Europeans loves such compliments. Thank you!
Monica’s 40-ish,curvy,brunette and bon vivant.A far cry from the fair haired pale thin models who seem to dominate fashion images today.In a way she represents normality.
40-ish? I guess this is used in a ‘positive context’ but the thing is to me that sounds negative….if this was my mothers tongue I could explain it in a more clear and quirky way…..
My god…women liberation? We’re back in the 50’s in another way….
Monica Belucci is A beautiful woman and a fine actress!
Hello Adriana . I stated 40-ish because I’m not aware of her exact age.I do know she’s around 40.Why should you consider it negative to say someone is 40-ish.My comments were positive as I remarked how she is on top and not part of today’s pale model material.I for one can certainly identify myself with Monica rather then say…Daria W.Bye!
Hi Dolly Bird, ah sorry, I exaggerated the whole thing due to a bit of a discussion I had lately with a friend what that age-thing is around 40-ish women. We never hear or read this about men. Its so annoying.
I’ve no clue what age Monica is neither Daria’s! See ya around!
No hard feelings Adriana.I think we were both on the same wave length but there was lack of communication on my part.I really do think Monica is proud to be in her 40s.And I agree with you about never reading the 40 issue when it comes to men.Its not only annoying but unfair as well.Bye!
Okay Dolly Bird, this blog is a nice place to visit and I think it was indeed a bit of of lack of communication. So we agree.
I do laugh a lot at your replies by the way, so until later!
So you girls love Monica… Okay, I promise I’ll give it a second thought, see if I can get friendly with her.
Just a question – have you seen Irreversible? It’s the only movie where I liked her. That and maybe Shoot’em Up.
kpriss I have to admit I have seen very few films of Monica.I remember liking Malena and her oufits in Matrix.
I haven’t seen too many either. And I shamefully admit Malena is one of the missed ones. My husband said he liked it. You should thy the two I wrote about.. They’re ..interesting!
But when it comes to the most universal appeal, few can argue that Dior made the best choice of them all. Instead of using some twenty year old model, Dior chose Monica Bellucci, one of the most beautiful women in the world, and most importantly, she is over 40. The image of Monica is sensual, alluring and incredibly beautiful without appearing too old or too young. Her gorgeous face is unlined and yet not airbrushed on the ads. Here’s something we can all aspire to: looking your best without giving in to botox and eating disorders. In my opinion, Bellucci is the fairest of them all.
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