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I’m so glad to be back and to be able to continue sharing with you every thought I have (mainly style, but not without pepper from time to time)!

I was off two days with my family and it was all going just swell when our brakes just gave in, right in the middle of nowhere. So we drove as careful as possible without brakes for a while until we reached civilization or the nearest thing to it. (The closest spot where we could stop for a check out.) This week I’ll give my two cents to the guys who worked on my breaks two weeks ago (and said they were ok)!

Kitten in car


#1 Ellington on 08.31.08 at 3:53 pm

Oh I am glad that you and your family were not hurt during your car breaks mishap!
Glad that you are back and I hope you all had a nice time despite the mishap.
I love that cat photo, its from the “Can I hass Cheeseburger?” site which can be very funny!
For some reason though when you put up this photo of the kitty and talked about cars and driving I started thinking about Toonces the Driving Cat! Funny stuff! : )

#2 Dolly Bird on 08.31.08 at 4:14 pm

Phew that sounded like a close shave!Glad to know you and the family are okay.Shaken I guess.
Btw I’m sending my cousin ‘Heavy Fisted’ Vincenzo over to pay those garage guys a little visit…

#3 Adriana on 09.01.08 at 9:20 am

Oh dear Kpriss thats afwul! What a shock that must have been! Well no matter who drove you or your husband that one did a great job!
Oh my, if that would have happen to me that garage-guy would have been in very serious trouble now…..

But anyway, you and your family are safe…..pfffff…..people and their responsibilities…

#4 kpriss on 09.01.08 at 2:20 pm

Thank you so much! We were pretty shocked to see that our brand new brakes weren’t as good as they were supposed to. My husband was driving and he tried to put it as smooth as possible, keeping me calm (if it was me driving, we would’ve been on fire in the first two seconds without breaks).

Dolly, do send that fierce Vincenzo to check the brakes shop!

On the other hand, I wanted so much to undramatize the story that I chose this funny picture. Everyone’s in perfect shape and ready to rock the internet! ;)

#5 Adriana on 09.01.08 at 3:49 pm

I volunteer to come with Vincenzo! He shall need good brakes I assure you! And his boss too I was thinking about it and these people are a danger to peoples safety! I’m really shocked by this. Anyway, you can make fun about it….so rock on girl!

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