Isla Moda, Fashion Isla Bonita Dubai

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If one day I’ll hear that they’re building the Moon in Dubai, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit!

Later this year, a new project will begin setting its first stones (sort of speaking) – Isla Moda. A Fashion Island. Literally. Involving fashion designers from allover the world will mold the new resort into an exclusive fashion industry promise land. There would be fashion shows and product launches, celebrities storming around.

Isla Moda Dubai

The only thing not getting tagged by a designer would be the air on Isla Moda. Everything else will receive a heavy label. Residents will be provided with a personal concierge – a redeemed stylists under the Dubai sun who can help you sort your wardrobe and everything else surrounding their customers designer-hunger. The first designer announced for the project is none the other than the Kaiser Lagerfeld. Beware! There will be Chanel-tagged sidewalks! (just joking! Do you think they’ll make residences called Lagerfeld Villa? or fancy roads like Alexander McQueen Boulevard and so on?)
( via wwd)


#1 millertime on 07.09.08 at 7:46 am

This is absolutely WILD…something straight out of a fashionista’s fantasy world. Please keep us posted on Isla Moda. It’s amazing what money can buy…

#2 Adriana on 07.09.08 at 8:43 am

Good grief…….

#3 kpriss on 07.10.08 at 8:25 am

Can you imagine “Dubai Fashion Week”? I bet they’ll want to impress by going official on the fashion shows calendar. Maybe all Resort Collections will go on catwalk there…

#4 millertime on 07.10.08 at 4:01 pm

LOL! Not a bad idea, really…

#5 arch on 07.18.08 at 3:46 pm

funny, i didn’t think Lagerfeld was an architect…i bet it falls down

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