My Name Is William Rast!
September 1st, 2008 by kpriss
I think Justin getting sticky and sweet closer to Madonna was bad influence. Bad to the point of giving Justin the acting bug.
I’m not saying he’s not talented or that his acting skills are inexistent (though I admit I don’t remember his parts very well, I know I saw him in a movie somewhere). I’m just saying it’s too much of a deal to make a movie, a character, from a brand. His William Rast fashion fling just got a thrill-full impersonation in JT. He became William Rast. It’s like those Deep Blue denim fishes really became Quicksilver fishes… Anyway, there’s a trailer from the William Rast campaign. Would it make a blockbuster?
Quicksilver Deep Blue Denim Ad Campaign
September 1st, 2008 by kpriss
About two weeks ago, we decided it was time for some denim renewal in our wardrobe. My husband got himself a dark denim loyal boot cut and I hesitated because I didn’t made up my mind about the exact jeans I wanted to buy.
I tried on so many pairs, I’ve lost count. I would’ve wanted a flare leg, but I didn’t found the exact match for my constitution. I’m so over skinny, I won’t go anywhere near something like that (still have three or four pairs somewhere at the bottom of the wardrobe). The boyfriend look is somewhat too slouchy for me. Anyway, I thought about denim in many ways, but never as the Quicksilver Deep Blue did! I found it so surprising and original, I had to share with you (not to mention that it’s a perfect case for Noble Photoshop Work!)! There’s just one thing bugging me – a denim shark (or whatever else, I’m a complete ignorant when it comes to fishes, I admit it, so I have no idea what fishes these are, and if they’re authentic or made up for the love of advertisement) can turn a pair of jeans into something far more attractive than before? Not to mention the childish question a four year old could ask “If I wear a Quicksilver denim-something, would I be able to swim like fishes?”
Easy Like For The Birds
August 31st, 2008 by kpriss
Hey, guys! Ten o’clock! Two blue-guys approaching! We’re tucking out heads, we’re just pretend we’re not seeing’em, they’ll go away!
Right, right, there’s not enough space like it is! We’re just close our eyes, we’re not seeing anything. Anyone. Shhht! Here they come. (blue birds approaching: ) Hey guys? Any vacancies? Oh, there we go, we’ll squeeze right in the middle! Puurrrfeeect!) That reminds me one of the most brilliant short animations (pixar courtesy) called “For the birds” that you can find right after the jump! Don’t miss it, it’s just great! Have a perfect easy like Sunday morning moment!
Easy Like Sunday Morning, Unstyle
Katie Holmes Fendi Secret Code Bag
August 31st, 2008 by kpriss
I’m beginning to feel less and less Katie’s style. Not only she’s going for very unfeminine looks and constantly fueling pregnancy rumors, but she’s got some awful taste in handbags.
Expensive and tacky doesn’t mean you absolutely have to wear it! We get it, you want attention, you’ve cut out (almost all) your hair, you’re wearing Tom’s jeans (or close), now you absolutely have to hurt our eyes with this Fendi brown water snake skin bag? And what are those blue dots? The snakes’ eyes?(you can see a close-up on the Fendi Secret Code Bag after the jump)
August 31st, 2008 by kpriss
I’m so glad to be back and to be able to continue sharing with you every thought I have (mainly style, but not without pepper from time to time)!
I was off two days with my family and it was all going just swell when our brakes just gave in, right in the middle of nowhere. So we drove as careful as possible without brakes for a while until we reached civilization or the nearest thing to it. (The closest spot where we could stop for a check out.) This week I’ll give my two cents to the guys who worked on my breaks two weeks ago (and said they were ok)!
Mike’s New Car Monsters Inc Bonus
August 29th, 2008 by kpriss
If you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing Monsters Inc, then it’s something you should absolutely remedy in no time!
It’s my favorite animation ever. And because I didn’t found something relevant that shouldn’t be a spoiler, I decided bringing to your attention a bonus clip with no special relation with the movie itself (besides the characters, of course). It’s a great little scene with and about Mike’s new car. A glorious six wheel drive. Super technologically advanced. Too advanced. Enjoy this special new car clip with Mike and Sullivan from Monsters Inc.
Stella McCartney LeSportsac Deer Rucksack
August 28th, 2008 by kpriss
Remember Stella McCartney collection for LeSportsac? Here’s an original item from the fierce collection, up until now unidentified.
At first I thought it was a baby carrier with rucksack option. Then again where should the baby hold its arms if such was the case? It’s not beautiful enough to justify the deer form, it’s not rucksack enough to wear it as such. You can have it for further closer studies for $85, to me it looks like the perfect present in case you don’t know what to buy for someone. After all, it’s an authentic Stella but with no specific function! What would it be, in your opinion?
(via source)
Kate Moss Golden Statue By Marc Quinn
August 28th, 2008 by kpriss
$3 Million golden statue of Kate Moss by Marc Quinn. What a way to start a day! As a project for the British Museum’s “Statuephilia” exhibition, this golden Kate will be displayed from October 4 to January 25.
Marc Quinn’s obsession with Kate Moss isn’t something new. It already spawned a yoga-positioned Kate (she didn’t pose for that knotted-legged statue herself, in case you were already wondering…). He believes that La Moss is the spirit of the age itself and as such he decided to cast her in gold and honor her like a proper God(ess). An Egyptian one. Too bad the statue’s only hollow, like the person. What’s this golden Kate supposed to do? Honor her? Honor the models? Honor drug addiction and rock’n’roll life?
UPDATE: Here’s the glorious statue, revealed in all its skeletronic glory:
(via dailymail)