The Retro Mirror. Anywhere, Anytime

Beautiful, meaningful art don’t come easy! L’eclat du cadre knows that and is fully aware of the aesthetic impact obtained with powerful contrasts.

Placing an unexpected retro frame on a car’s mirror makes it more beautiful? I doubt it. Does it make it more accurate? Surely not! Does it make it more visible? Certainly! Don’t you love smart campaigns? (hit the jump to see more of this surprising campaign!) (BDD for L’eclat du cadre) (via)

Retro mirror advertising

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Yves Saint Laurent And Pierre Berge’s Secret Paradise By Ivan Terestchenko

As opposed to a regular blogger slash photographer book, this French book “Les Paradis Secrets d’Yves Saint Laurent et de Pierre Bergé” by Ivan Terestchenko has something to say, something to show. I usually go for things that’ll enrich my spirit, in every direction. And a collection of photographs with images from the daily life of a legend like Yves Saint Laurent is a priceless view.

The book was printed on high quality paper using high quality material and the photographer, Ivan Terestchenko was given free hand and a day and a half per house. (the story continues with more images right after the jump; click here for the gallery!)

Yves Saint Laurent Ivan Terestchenko

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Dree Hemingway’s Valentino Spring Summer 2010 Ad Campaign

Valentino marketing responsible: we need something striking, something feminine but noir, shot by famous photographers starring a very famous face. Blond haired, feminine, but not too much. Photoshop after effects, biensur. But it’s on a budget, it’s on a very tight budget. What do you have?

PR Agency: Yeah, sure, we get it, on a budget, famous photographer, famous blond hair lady, noir but also feminine. I think we have just the thing! (screaming in the background: hey, do we still have the set from Madonna’s Louis Vuitton ads last year? We do? Perfect! Call and set a photo shoot: Valentino Spring Summer 2010 ad campaign! What? Meisel isn’t free? Well, call in Mert and Marcus, they used to do shoots for Vuitton, too, right?) (the story continues with more images right after the jump! Click here for the gallery!)

Dree Hemingway Valentino Spring Summer 2010 ad campaign

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Kristen Stewart In White Chanel Dress For 2010 Bafta Awards

Luckily for everyone, Kristen Stewart does not have the same Red Carpet look always, for every event, like she has her own acting expression, always, for every movie.

Though, if you keep looking at her face, you won’t notice the difference. Movies, Red Carpet events, it’s all pretty much the same for Kristen. Her frozen expression should go away if she ever wants to go past the Twilight threshold in her acting career. Getting back to her white 2010 BAFTAs Chanel dress: (the story continues right after the jump with more images! Click here for the gallery!)

Kristen Stewart 2010 BAFTA Awards white Chanel dress

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Native Rubber Shoes. Will A Good Cause Save A Bad Shoe?

For those of you who were living a happy, safe life away from the Crocs menace, here comes trouble: Native! The Native Shoes look like the renegade offspring of a daddy Crocs and a mummy Converse. The laces were lost in the process. So was the good taste.

How exactly did those Crocverse got famous? They teamed up with Partners in Health for Haiti. While the cause is undoubtedly honorable and highly urgent, won’t the Native Shoes kill your enthusiasm? (don’t miss the video, right after the jump!) (Native shoes)

Native Rubber shoes

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Spikes Pants. Trends Gone Wrong

When do you know you’ve reached the It point and went far beyond? When your love for spiked clothing makes you wear spiked pants. Wait, there’s more!

When the spiked pants you’re wearing look like the ones below, you should step down from the trends express pronto! Something went terribly wrong! Or at least by my standards, these highly spiked and studded pants are nowhere to be worn (except for the stage by the likes of Rihanna, Gaga and more). What say you? (more images right after the jump!) (photos Anothermag via 2BD)

Spiked pants

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The Mode Of Almodóvar In Harper’s Bazaar March 2010

Pedro Almodóvar officially reached an iconic standard so high (by Hollywood value charts) that he’s honored with a Harper’s Bazaar pictorial! And not just any! The Mode of Almodovar, featured in the magazine’s March 2010 issue (yes, the Kate the Great one) featurs some equally iconic designers recreating Almodovar’s movie posters.

I never imagined the Kaiser in one of Almodovar flics so I’ll keep an open spirit while trying to get these re-edits under my skin! (the story continues right after the jump with more images! Click here for the gallery!)

The Mode of Almodovar Gaultier

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The Silence Of Fashion Disasters By Pete Wentz

Pete Wentz is a fashion designer. Everybody is a fashion designer nowadays. However, it seems Pete’s Clandestine Industries collection presentation was pretty spectacular. At least the end of it!

Pete Wenz was carried out by some of his male models and showed to the audience as a straight jacketed, masked fellow. A Hannibal Lecter of his own right, Pete Wenz tried to silence his inner fashion lamb. I wish he’d succeed, don’t you? (via)

Pete Wenz Clandestine Hannibal

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