Aerosmith Crazy Vs Gnarls Barkley Crazy

Though it may not look like ages ago, 1994 really was… ages ago! What were you doing back then? (rhetorical, you don’t really have to tell me. Unless you want to? I’d be delighted to hear your stories!)

Thank you for such an amazing week! And for your wonderful, insightful comments! I wish you have the best weekend yet (even if we’re already halfway through) and get ready for a great new week! Enjoy Aerosmith’s Crazy! (don’t miss Gnarls Barkley‘s Crazy after the jump!)

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Granny Ogrimm Sleeping Beauty Short Animation

Missed it? The short animation passionate in me has dug up for some goodies and here’s what I found: Granny Ogrimm’s Sleeping Beauty!

It’s a classic. With a twist. And we love a good twist, right? Or a bad one? You be the judge! I’ll just say this: the film, part of the Granny O’Grimm series, was written and performed by Kathleen O’Rourke and directed by Nicky Phelan. Produced in 2008 by Brown Bag Films, it appears it made it to the Oscars nominations list too (without mentioning a long list of awards that you can check out here). So? What do you think?

Tattooed Kitten. Too Much?

We’ve seen the high and lows of tattoos here. And I’m sure we’re far from seeing it all! This comes as an additional proof that we still have a long road ahead of us in searching the tattoos heaven (or hell).

A fur-less cat with tattoos all over. How is that for extreme tattoos? I’m curious to see the owner – maybe he/she simply ran out of skin to ink and then get on to the cat’s skin. Could be. That or… what? (via)

Tattooed cat

Dolce & Gabbana Motion Picture Teaser

Have you seen the latest fashion? Fashion movies! If you ain’t got one, you’re sooo last season! A creepy tiny movie that’ll raise hell, nevermind fashion admirers will make a strong label out of you only if your short clip will feature something beyond the average understanding, beyond the average set of moral principles.

Dolce & Gabbana throws a new teaser into the fashworld. A teaser about women. Enviable women, sensual women, lusting and bullying. I always thought there was something beyond my reach in the way Italians see women. Now I think I know what it is! Watch this little clip and tell me how do you feel about those many men (mainly middle aged and/or older) and the way they act (it all starts at 0.37s appx)? (via)

Dr Martens Collection For Opening Ceremony Fall 2010

Back in Spring, a new collection was entering the Opening Ceremony racks. A special collaboration with Dr Martens, the new shoes collection was a promise that more will follow. So they’re keeping up to that promise, coming this very fall!

Looking at the images, I can hardly contain my enthusiasm! But that’s me, I have a thing for chunky shoes and military boots. How about you? How do you like your boots? Can you resist the new Dr Martens for Opening Ceremony Darcie and Lily? If you ask me, I’d take those Darcies at home right now! All of them! I still have doubts about the Lily sandals, but Dacie boots definitely rock my boat! I can think of so many ways to wear them! Why isn’t it fall already? (oh, in case you were curious – the Darcie boots could be yours for $150 the plain black ones, $300 the colored ones; the sandals are available for $230 – click through to see more images with the boots and the sandals!) (via; if you want to buy the above-mentioned shoes, you can do so here)

Dr Martens Opening Ceremony Fall 2010 shoes collection

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Emma Watson’s New Short Haircut

You know what happens when irrelevance occurs to someone famous? Something radical. Something new, something shocking or something … like this:

Emma Watson recently published a photo of her gracious self with her usually shoulder-long hair cut very, very short. Not boyishly short, just Mia Farrow – short. While everyone and their dog jumped in and clicked on like, I pensively stare at Emma’s (cute) face and ask myself how long till she gets her extensions like everyone else? Now what do you think about Emma’s new short haircut? (via)

Emma Watson new radically short haircut

Marchesa Makeup Collection With Le Metier De Beaute

I surprisingly found myself falling for black packaging rather than white, lately. Have you ever experienced that? I made my homework, marketing-wise and I still remember the red-trap: red is the most appealing color, at least as far as food packaging and presentation are concerned. (McDonalds, anyone? Their code of colors was constructed after heavily studying the market and the consumers behaviors).

However, when it comes to cosmetics, I seem to fall for black packaging. Thus Marchesa and Le Métier de Beauté makeup collection sings a special tune for my heart. With prices between $38 and $65, the black-silvered collection is supposedly an homage to one particular dress worn by Sandra Bullock (if it’s the one Sandra had on for the 2010 Oscars, I’m puzzled – it was more silver-ish gold than metallic black as this image shows. It’s either that, or the picture deceives us).

The new makeup collection will be available this very September at Bergdorf Goodman. What’s your favorite packaging color? And how does this Marchesa Le Métier de Beauté appeal to you? (have you tried Le métier de Beauté cosmetics?) (via)

Marchesa le Metier de Beaute Makeup Collection

Sacred Virgin Mary Dressed In Louis Vuitton

The cliché is obvious: the Devil wears Prada. Now the Virgin Mary wears Louis Vuitton. It’s not meant to be blasphemous, far from it, actually! The author, Francesco De Molfetta created this statue for a special exhibition of sacred art held in Isola del Gran Sasso, Abruzzo, Italy.

Meant to highlight the new sacred cults of our culture/society and its search for “ephemeral happiness”, Virgin Mary dressed in a Louis Vuitton monogrammed veil could either send shivers down your spine and make you reflect on what’s really important or you could just close your eyes, shake the vision off of your retina and move on. Aren’t we all, in the end? (VT via tJb, more about Francesco De Molfetta here)

Francesco de Molfetta Louis Vuitton Virgin Mary statue