Beyonce The Fierce Covers V Magazine November – December 2008

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You know I love a good black cover. But this is… Just not my style! Beyonce covering V Magazine?

I know, we’ve seen something similar when Mariah Carey got her I-D, so why not Beyonce in V magazine? Well.. I don’t know! That girl looks fake and reconstructed-pixel-to-pixel to me. Even if she’s a hardworking girl, I can’t get her under my skin. And her imposing the new Sasha The Fierce stage name is somewhat forced (even if we’ve seen it before with Prince-The Simbol-The Artist formerly known as Prince or Puff-P-Diddy-Sean-Combs). And what’s with that adoration pose? (via wwd)

Beyonce V magazine cover November December 2008

UPDATE: You can also find the fierce photo shoot along with the other three covers of this V Magazine November-December 2008.

Beyonce V Magazine Nov Dec 2008 covers Beyonce V Magazine Nov Dec 2008 Beyonce V Magazine Nov Dec 2008 1
Beyonce V Magazine Nov Dec 2008 2 Beyonce V Magazine Nov Dec 2008 3 Beyonce V Magazine Nov Dec 2008 4


#1 Dolly Bird on 11.10.08 at 5:19 pm

The cover looks so posed and politically correct. I don’t recognise V anymore. It used to be so different and fresh. Its recently become so ordinary and predictable.

#2 Ellington on 11.10.08 at 10:32 pm

EVERYTHING about Beyonce is contrived, styled to the teeth and posed. She can sing but I don’t go out of my way to purchase anything she produces, be it movies, cds or her scary fashion line. Now she wants to play Wonder Woman!
Wonder Woman is one of my childhood and still one of my heroes ( I collect Wonder Woman comics). She cannot be allowed to do this role… she must be stopped!

#3 Adriana on 11.11.08 at 1:57 pm

I feel sorry for little Sasha Obama! All the jokes we make about Sasha the Fierce!

I’ve never read or seen V or haven’t noticed it here?? But I agree with with Dolly Bird and Ellington on Beyonce. Though I think too many mucis stars are like her…
She’s not Wonder Woman…yet….Yes, I’ve read it too…..sigh…

#4 Sal on 11.11.08 at 2:13 pm

OK, I generally adore Beyonce … I find her to be irresistibly appealing … but this whole Sasha thing is just too bizarre.

#5 Dolly Bird on 11.11.08 at 3:17 pm

Say What? Beyoncé wants to play Wonder Woman? I missed out on that scoop. Sounds awful! Linda Carter will always be WW to me.I don’t care if Beyoncé has the hips for it, couldn’t she leave the role alone and give the chance to a struggling unknown actress.She already grabbed Dreamgirls from one of my fav actresses Angela Bassett!

#6 kpriss on 11.13.08 at 4:08 am

I heard that she got an Obama manicure for the photo shoot! Maybe that’s why she was doing that strange pose! Didn’t anyone explained to her that her nails will go unnoticed?

As for her acting career.. Well.. I hope she’ll get over it fast! Each time I see her in a movie I get the impression she’s so affected, self centered and artificial that her movie character lacks personality and depth.

#7 Adriana on 11.13.08 at 6:50 am

Whaaaaa? Obama manicure?
I’m not a Beyonce fan at all but to her defense, the photographer is too blame too!

#8 Jess on 12.10.08 at 11:35 am

Beyonce is the best! Sasha looks so beautiful and these pictures are simply gorgeous!

#9 name on 08.16.10 at 12:15 am

Beyonce is the best, who cares if she wants to be and actress aswell as a singer and a dancer! she has been in movies before and i don’t think this should stop her from what you people have been saying (the ones who think she can’t do it) no offence!
Beyonce is my role moddle and i wouldn’t mind to put my mind at acting so let her be she is a normal person like all of us, she sets goals and acheives them, even know it is a bit late to be sending this i still am going to stick up for her, who cares if i havent met her! She has done a wounderful job at makeing her CD’s and who ever said she couldn’t do it, well she has and she will keep on doing so!
from Tori

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