Did you miss a good fashvideo? I did! It’s always like a puzzle. I’m always trying to adjust my admiration for something done with excellence to the actual subject of the video.
And I (almost) always fail. This time it’s about Jude Law and Michaela Kocianova advertising for Dior Homme perfume, all under Guy Ritchie’s directions. I’m a Guy Ritchie declared fan, you know that. I’m not that much into Jude Law, but that can be easily overlooked when dealing with something bigger than personal preferences: art. Fashion. I’d like you to take the following 5 minutes (well, actually 4 minutes of film and 1 min of credits) and try to piece this puzzle together. It’s a perfume ad, I got that much, it’s taking place in Paris, I got that too. Now what is it about, exactly? (via)
Guy Richie to me always tries too hard to a be clever in his direction. He comes across as trying to ape Hitchcock and is often a poor man’s Tarantino. Actually the only film of his that I enjoyed and Jude Law was in was his Sherlock Holmes’s film. Jude Law was excellent as Watson.
I am a Jude Law fan as he can act and I enjoyed him in The Talented Mr. Ripley, I heart Huckabees, AI,Gattaca, and Closer.
As for this ad it is trying too hard, just like Richie’s other films.
I like Guy Ritchie’s movies. They’re not exactly masterpieces and I know he shows a lot of violence, brilliant he ain’t either but still…..I forgive him for the hilarious, ridiculous Swept Away with then Mrs Ritchie….my goodness….
As for Jude Law; sometimes I like his acting, even think he’s almost brillian. Is it the fault of his part as ‘Bosie’ in Wilde? I sincerely hated him! First time I saw Jude Law in action. He was a sort of Bosie in The Talented Mr Ripley to me.I dislike him ever since. Can’t lay my finger on it….brrrr….
Watched this commercial after I wrote the above. Ugh….where’s that cute Chanel man? What’s his name? I’ve to find him here somewhere. Yesterday another girl and I looked at the same time in awe at a huge billboard in a store….LOL! We were like ‘huh’ and then caught each other hahaha….so funny!
One thing is awesome about this. The ‘soundtrack’! Muse! Their Exogenenis Symphony Part 1. I saw them live as a rough young band late 90’s and then in Autumn 2009. Amazing! I watched them live on Glastonbury, thanks to the BBC some months ago. Dancing around here on a hot summer night hahaha….But… hmm, Muse and Dior? Them too? :((
Oh dear…..got carried away…..Muse ‘The Existence’ my definite album of the 2009 AND 2010!! Now I’ve to get this commercial of my retina…..
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