You know me and my gadgety ways: once I get started, it’s hard to contain my curiosity for all things cute and lovely, girly and useful, smart and witty, helping us make every day prettier, more practical.
So here’s another one of those stylish gadgets I came across and thought a lovely Saturday would be a perfect day to share: the ‘Dapper Bottle Stopper’. It’s a bow, dahlings! A bow to cap your unfinished bottle and preserve all its goodies within until you find the perfect occasion to pop it open again!
Isn’t it just wonderful? And I can see it in so many endless combinations: just think you’d paint it pink or whatever other color suits your fancy! And then you just add a dash of glitter to it? Wouldn’t it make it perfectly girly and festive at the same time? It’s the littlest things that bring the most joy! Make them special and the rest will follow suit! Have a lovely weekend! (oh, and this pretty little thing is from BHLD and it’s about $10)
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