First Lady Michelle Obama In Blue Reed Krakoff Dress For Swearing In

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Ahead of the 2nd Inauguration Ball, Michelle Obama joined her husband, Barack Obama, for the 2nd Swearing In today, January 20th 2013. The ceremony took place in Washington D.C., in the Blue Room of the White House.

And the First Lady wore… what else? A blue Reed Krakoff dress! Known for her exquisite style choice and her avant-garde fashion choice, Michelle Obama was perfectly matched with an equally blue cardigan. Making the delight of commentators since Thursday, January 19th, when she made her first appearance with the new haircut, Michelle Obama’s bangs really compliment her figure and add a modern aura to her look.

Michelle Obama holding Bible for 2nd swearing in

I can’t wait to see what she’ll wear for the Inauguration Ball and how she’ll choose to style her hair! I browsed incessantly through Reed Krakoff’s collections and haven’t found the dress she wore today, although this isn’t the first time she wore Krakoff’s designs.

Michelle Obama new haircut second Swearing In

She seems to have a preference for cobalt blue designs, as the first Reed Krakoff look she wore was a cobalt blue halter dress and, on another occasion, she has been photographed carrying one of Krakoff’s tote bags. There’s really nothing going against her 2nd Swearing In blue outfit, so, again, Michelle Obama’s look and outfit are nothing short of fabulous and perfectly stylish! (images Pool / Getty)

Michelle Obama blue Reed Krakoff dress Swearing In ceremony

First Lady Michelle Obama new bangs


#1 Appollonia on 01.20.13 at 6:48 pm

Blue looks great on her. I also love her bangs. The girls looks lovely as well :)

#2 Ellington on 01.20.13 at 11:36 pm

Michelle Obama looked lovely and the girls look great in their dresses! I really like Michelle’s bangs!
President Obama looked handsome!
I am sure that her inaugural gown will be stunning! :)

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