Gaga Makes History: Plants Named After Lady Gaga

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Although her current line of work is radically different, Lady Gaga may just entered history through the biology door. 19 species of fern were named after her! Kathleen Pryer, Duke University biology professor and study leader reportedly compared Lady Gaga to the various plants and decided they’re definitely alike. Hence names ferns: Gaga Germanotta, Gaga monstraparva and so forth. {psfk}


#1 Diyana on 10.26.12 at 4:33 am

I like it, indeed. Scientist having a relaxing moments.
This is a good way to make young learn about “GAGA” The plant.

#2 Riana on 10.26.12 at 4:41 am

OMG, I have an imagination of these biologists dancing around in their spare time. And why not? :))

#3 ana on 10.26.12 at 2:51 pm

Next the butchers will name a new cut for beef .
Expect the Gaga loin, the G bone steak…

#4 Riana on 10.27.12 at 11:20 am

ana, have you watched the video? The explanation of the scientist makes a lot of sense to me. I am not a Lady Gaga fan but I like Queen’s Radio Gaga. ;)

#5 ana on 10.27.12 at 12:02 pm

I did. I found it awesome. The GAGA gen, amazing.
I do like Gaga. I think she is talented but not much original.

#6 Riana on 10.27.12 at 1:01 pm

Sorry girl!! {blush}
So we agree :)

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