Is This Jessica Chastain’s New Short Haircut?

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I know I’ve seen it before, so it wouldn’t surprise me if this were just another makeover for movie purposes! For the moment, I still have to ask, saddened by the hypothetical accuracy of this report: did Jessica Chastain cut her beautiful red hair short? (charming Jessica is now filming the Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby so this could be, as I said, a character hair – tweak) what say you? {DailyMakeover}

did Jessica Chastain cut her hair short


#1 ana on 07.24.12 at 2:48 pm

I love her!!! She is stunning! Her hair is just pulled back. You can see the pictures in the Daily Fail.

#2 Riana on 07.25.12 at 6:12 am

I totally forget all I ‘read’ at the Daily Fail website so fast! But I found it: her hair is not pulled back it’s chopped and it looks great!

Oh, how I wish I would have known as a little girl that a redhead also could or should seen be as stunning and admired…..

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