Stripes Gone Bad Heidi Klum’s Pajama Disaster

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You know I love stripes. And you also know that wearing pajama – like pants is big this year. Heidi Klum, who is considered one of the most stylish personalities in today’s fashion world, decided to put the two together and showed up wearing a strange striped pajama outfit mix which I can only file under Fashion Disaster for now. Would you pin it elsewhere? {DM}

Heidi Klum striped pajama


#1 Riana on 05.17.12 at 7:39 am

Comfy plane travel clothing and not care if there are paps waiting? ;)

#2 Ellington on 05.17.12 at 1:11 pm

Hey when one is travelling on a plane and you are with kids or even others all you want to be is comfortable. I like that Heidi is comfortable, its an airport and a flight, not the Victoria Secret Runway, or the red carpet.

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