Adrien Brody, Andre 3000 Gael Garcia Bernal For Gillette Styler Campaign

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Gillette’s Masters of Style is my new favorite ad campaign! Adrien Brody, André 3000 and Gael Garcia Bernal can be seen in a laid back (biensur) posture, in a new advertorial effort to promote a new shaving tool from Gillette.

What? Wait a minute – they all sport serious facial hair! What’s going on here? Gillette’s new ad campaign addresses men who style their facial hair! The Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styler it’s a 3-in-1 $19,99 battery operated device that will be available February 2012 through your usual Gillette retailers (you can see the Styler after the jump).

Adrien Brody Andre 3000 Gael Garcia Bernal Gillette Styler Campaign

I’m really excited to hear about this, I think it’s a wonderful tool and I’d love to give it a swirl on my Adored Husband’s regular unshaved look (that I absolutely looooove!). I’m a simple girl and I have simple (but stubborn) pleasures – my Adored Husband’s facial hair is one of them! (there I go, I said it! – if anyone else feels the same, please step forward, let’s join hands!)

Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styling Tool

1 comment so far

#1 Riana on 01.19.12 at 10:31 am

That’s a nice view, very cute! But I wonder if the majority of the customers know whom they are.

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