Angelina Gets Newsweek’s Cover

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Not the average magazine cover you’d expect Angelina Jolie to land on! Newsweek’s current edition showing a perfect portrait of Angelina could make you pick up the magazine (which you can actually do, starting today).

However, the pictures taken by Sofia Sanchez and Mauro Mongiello accompany an article / interview about the horrors of war. Yes, Angelina is talking (again) about her movie. Didn’t she just do that on 60 Minutes? Ah, yes, she did! And there she goes at it again.

The unavoidable marketing mechanism started by Angelina Jolie won’t fail, I’m certain. Her movie, although slightly unusual for a near Christmas release, will most certainly get the crowds in the dark theatre rooms. And I’m beginning to think any means are perfectly justifiable when it comes to drawing attention to sensitive matters like refugees, war abominations, famine and so forth. Things need to be done. Things need to be fixed. How about you? Honestly? Will you go see her movie? (click the image for larger view)

Angelina Jolie Newsweek cover inside pictures

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 12.05.11 at 12:26 pm

Yes, I think I will go see her directorial debut, but I will leave until the new year as I am far to busy during the Christmas season to go to the movie theatre.
Oh and these photos of Angelina are just lovely. : )

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