Inez And Vinoodh’s Home

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I was just reading the other day about these new trends in interiors. Decorators (professionals and amateurs alike) seem to really enjoy the new country décor. Old elements combined in an old way with the new, the modern and the comfortable. And I’m all for that! Back in my assiduous décor days, I was perplexed by the overuse of concrete and marble and cold materials for homes. I mean – who wants to start a day by getting out of bed on a hard gray concrete floor?

I just came across these lovely, warm images of a space belonging to famed photographers Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin! Their Manhattan Apartment is so modern with a touch of old country! Hit the jump for more images! (click here for the gallery)

Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin with son in their home

Books, wood, it all works so harmoniously in white and golden brown with photographic accents! The touches of color on the floor, the paper lantern lamp, it’s all affordable and really enjoyable! Don’t you just love this new rustic chic I was talking about?

Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin home

Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin apartment living room

Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin home bedroom

Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin home table

Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin home playroom

Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin home bathroom Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin apartment Inez van Lamsweerde Vinoodh Matadin home wall art


#1 Decor. arts Now on 11.14.11 at 10:34 am

You know I do! :-) thanks for the link!
PS : fab apartment

#2 Riana on 11.14.11 at 11:47 am

My first house had an old pine wooden floor. The house was build in the early ’20 century. Broad boards in that warm colour. I still have handmade pine wood bookcases which I love.
So I like the style of this appartment a lot. The photo of the Family Lamsweerde-Matadin brings a smile to my face. :)

#3 DollyBird on 11.14.11 at 12:45 pm

I love their work but had no idea they were a couple in life and with child too.
The appartment looks so warm and cozy like a chalet and there’s a nice 70s-ish feeling to the decor eventhough its not my style.
I hope that’s a fake cheetah(?) rug on the floor…

#4 kpriss on 11.15.11 at 1:43 pm

Thank you, Lynn!

Riana, I’m delighted I made you smile! You should smile more often, it suits you!

DollyBird – I assume the Parisian decor has a hold on you – wink – it looks pretty and cozy – did you notice there was no TV?

#5 Ellington on 11.15.11 at 5:49 pm

I love a home that has lots of books on the shelves!
: )

#6 Frank on 10.30.14 at 10:17 pm

How is this affordable?

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