Hot This Summer: Baring Your Midriff!

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Have you heard what the big thing of the season is? Baring your Midriff! It’s something you may remember from thirty something years ago? (I’m writing this and I can’t believe it – it all seems to be so yesterday? Literally! Time should really be given a speed ticked, maybe it’ll slow down?)

I was alarmed by the midriff showing tendencies from last year but I said to myself it will never actually catch on the fashion people, so stylish and pretentious! I was wrong, it seems! Showing off your belly button is one of the hot fashion trends this summer! How do You feel about it? (the Muse Fashionart Magazine Summer 2011 cover is graced by Anne Vyalitsyna as photographed by Harri Peccinotti; via)

very short t shirt blonde anne cover


#1 ajginger on 06.14.11 at 5:58 am

I don’t see a midriff or a belly button. I see boobies. I don’t think I am going to adopt this look. Anyone?

#2 Ellington on 06.14.11 at 9:15 am

Ah, no way!!! :P

And you got that spot on aginger! :)

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