Gray Hair Is Fashionable

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The title was actually meant to be an interrogation. But then I wrote it and it felt so natural that I left the interrogation point aside. Because we’re all concerned about the gray – matter and we’re all facing the gray hair fear sooner or later.

I’m having tons of gray hair. And I never dyed my hair. I don’t know if I lack the courage or the conviction, but every time I think about coloring my hair, I get goose bumps. Naturally, I feel encouraged when I see fashion embracing the passing of years. Not that it would be of capital importance, but in a world where everyone (and their dogs) swears on Botox and rejuvenating treatments, I kind of fall behind, contre – courant.

This lovely young lady is just as contre – courant as I am – she surely hasn’t all her hair gray, as shown in the picture, but more likely she used a coloring scheme to get this gray effect. And she’s as cute as a button. a gray button!

Cute Japanese girl gray hair red headband

Last year Kristen McMenamy craze also fueled my gray hopes as she was embraced by the fashion industry just as she was – naturally old. I haven’t quite heard from her since, so she may have been a flavor of the moment – colored hair is back in fashion. I’d love to have it from you: what’s your stand on gray hair and changing the natural color of your locks? (photos Tokyo Fashion)

Gray hair red headband


#1 Ellington on 01.15.11 at 11:57 am

It looks really nice on some like this young woman, Tavi, Kristen McMenamy, and Carmen Dell’Orefice just like certain hair shades look nice on some and dire on others. Some people should NEVER be blonde,red headed or blue black!
My mom has lovely natural salt and pepper hair. If I am so lucky to get that look I wouldn’t dye it. I will have to wait and see. : )

#2 ajgingerella on 01.16.11 at 7:57 am

I agree Ellington. I’m not sure about myself though. I’ve tried it once. It was not permanent but the temporarily hair-dye which is gone 4/6 weeks. I was so happy I had my own red hair back!!! We are estranged from ageing right?

It looks nice on this young girl. But it’s not natural grey either. It’s somewhat blue-ish on my screen?

#3 Ellington on 01.16.11 at 11:03 am

Yes it is rather bluish grey on my screen too. It is a nifty look on her! :)

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