The $1,500 Lanvin Flowered Denim Tote

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The following article was not caused by the amazing H & M Lanvin collection. Not entirely. While it may look like a pretty normal price tag for a couture label accessory, this is not your typical luxury product.

The Lanvin Flowered Denim Tote is a beach tote decorated with big chiffon flowers and topstitched Lanvin logo. And that’s where the main trouble is – besides being a perfect subject to a DIY afternoon. The Lanvin writing on the bottom – is it just me, or it actually reads LANVIM? (click the picture to see larger image!) How could anyone in its entire fashminds believe that this in an actual authentic real Lanvin? (Neiman Marcus via)

Lanvin flowered tote


#1 Gingerella on 11.10.10 at 11:12 pm

LanviM! :D

#2 ana on 11.11.10 at 5:41 am

it looks like but its not.
the last leg of the “N” is hanging loose. It isn’t stitched and give the impression of a M.
it could be better done anyway.

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