Naomi Campbell, Rachel Weisz, Christina Ricci, Eva Mendes For Vs Fall Winter 2010

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One of my favorite magazines comes strong for the fall season with no less than four covers. Eva Mendes, Christina Ricci, Naomi Campbell and Rachel Weisz each with her own Vs Magazine Fall Winter 2010 cover.

Everything I was expecting and more, Vs Magazine delivers the same excellence fashion and art alike through four different main pictorials, from Naomi’s minimalism, to Rachel’s mysticism, Christina’s retro noir and Eva’s crazy colorful depression. That and so much more come together in, again, a splendid issue signed by the Vs team. (Eva Mendes was photographed by Ellen von Unwerth, Naomi by Miguel Reveriego, Christina Ricci was photographed by Kayt Jones and Rachel by Eric Gullemain). Do hit the jump to see more images from the wonderful pictorials (click here for the gallery! Check out the preview on their website here)

Vs Magazine Fall 2010 covers

Eva Mendes Vs Magazine Fall 2010 cover

Christina Ricci Vs Magazine Fall 2010 cover

Rachel Weisz Vs Magazine Fall 2010 cover

Naomi Campbell Vs Magazine Fall 2010 cover

Naomi Campbell Vs Magazine Fall 2010

Naomi Campbell Vs Magazine Fall 2010 photo

Eva Mendes Vs Magazine Fall 2010 photo

Christina Ricci Vs Magazine Fall 2010

Rachel Weisz Vs Magazine Fall 2010

Naomi Campbell Vs Magazine Fall 2010 1 Eva Mendes Vs Magazine Fall 2010 1 Eva Mendes Vs Magazine Fall 2010 2

Eva Mendes Vs Magazine Fall 2010 3 Rachel Weisz Vs Magazine Fall 2010 1 Christina Ricci Vs Magazine Fall 2010 1


#1 mdinah on 09.06.10 at 8:48 am

boicot on Naomi untill she publicly apologizes about her behaviour in that trial !!!

#2 Adriana on 09.06.10 at 9:28 am

I’m yet a member of the boycott group. Don’t like the work she has done either. She looks bloated. Minimalism? Nah….

Not in the mood for a ‘crazy colorful depression’, tired of ‘retro noir’ unless it’s the French Film Noir so I go happily for the lovely ‘mysticism’ if this magazine was available here in my Lowlands.

#3 Ellington on 09.06.10 at 12:44 pm

Love and adore Rachel Weisz. She looks great in her photos. Eva Mendes always looks like she is over acting in ALL of her photos to me. So I do not care for her images. Christina Ricci looks rather nifty, like a silent movie icon, but as for Naomi I concur with mdinah and Adriana. Naomi should be boycotted regarding how she represented and for what she said during the Hague trial, for she is silly and foolish women.

#4 anthrochic on 09.07.10 at 8:16 am

I absolutely love Rachel Weisz, she looks stunning as usual. Anyone know where I can find this magazine in the US?

#5 Astrid on 09.07.10 at 9:10 am

I don’t think Rachel Weisz’s beauty was well represented here. She’s got so much more potential in her photos but this shoot was a bit plain and same old in my opinion!
Whilst Naomi is silly… I’m sorry to say but I like her VS. cover best! She’s not a politician after all, she’s a model!

#6 mdinah on 09.07.10 at 1:55 pm

Astrid, before being a model, she is a citizen of this world…. and she should behave as that, considering how lucky she has been in her life…

#7 Ellington on 09.07.10 at 5:09 pm

Astrid, mdinah is correct. Just because Naomi is a model it does not excuse her from the law nor from telling the truth which she did not do whilst on the stand.
We are all and should be bound by this, unless you are one of those who think along the lines of the famous novella: “Animal Farm”
Sadly there are some who think this adage true. : (

#8 Adriana on 09.08.10 at 1:53 am

Alas there are a lot of them…..:(

#9 cc on 09.08.10 at 8:58 pm

love Rachel and Christina here. Love them anywhere…

Naomi’s lips are reminiscent of Janice’s – that blonde rocker Muppet. Real trout pout.

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