Johanna Richter’s Amazing Swing Necklace

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Is that a bird? Is that a plane? Is that Chanel? Nooooh! That’s a swing necklace my daaahlings! There’s no other swing quite like it! Johanna Richter’s design charmed me today with its fashfrivolity ready to transport me right back into my childhood years.

Hang it in your green (still) backyard or in a tall – ceiling room, the wooden balls swing will make your delight and the envy of your friends! And just imagine the endless options to customize it: paint it in oh-so many different colors, add scarves, feathers and God knows what else! I’m dreaming already! (caught in the daydreaming thing I almost forgot to tell you that Johanna Richter’s swing necklace would cost you $1,400) (via)

Johanna Richter Swing Necklace

Johanna Richter wood Swing Necklace

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 09.07.10 at 5:14 pm

it is rather fun and a tad “the land of the giants” looking. It would add some whimsy to a room but I must say that it does not look that comfortable to sit on.

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