Photoshop Before And After By Debenhams

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We finally had the chance to see (and by “we” I’m talking about us, the non-professionals of the holy airbrushing, the god of all beauty nowadays) a photo before and after the airbrushing. Chez Debenhams.

However, if you’ll take a good look at the images below and then you hit the jump and see the “changes” and the “non-retouched” image that can be seen in the store’s window, you’ll notice something’s wrong. It’s like that childhood (and more) game: spot the difference! Let’s count’em down and teach them how the Photoshop truth campaign should be played… (photos via 1, 2)

Photoshop Before After Debenhams

Debenhams Airbrushing directions


#1 Nat on 06.21.10 at 1:09 pm


#2 Ellington on 06.24.10 at 6:50 pm

That is interesting, but I think she looked better before and without all of the photoshop.

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