The following could take place in your very home, at any hour, day or night, any day of the week. Just you and your disco pod! Courtesy of light designer extraordinaire Moritz Waldemeyer!
Given that the weekend will be soon upon us, this Home Disco might be just the spark you needed! Plus when you turn it off, it looks (and serves as) a coffee table! Think about it! You can be your own disco queen in the privacy and comfort of your very home! Isn’t Waldemeyer‘s Home Disco (in an alarming way) perfect? (via)
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Today I and probably the upcoming days I scream a loud; yes! But only because my left foot seems not to be my own foot any longer….I slipped yesterday due through the slippery roads, stoops etc…..I felt, cursed, stumbled on, did my shoppings, stumbled back and even took two stairs….And now it hurts like hell and looks red, blue and thick with a kind of a silly skinny leg!! My feet are no longer twins…..behhhhhh…..I would love to do some disco dancing!
A tip if it happens to you: are you familiar with these champagne bottle cooling socks? The ones you put in the freezer and use them to keep an open bottle cool? They are great to use as an icepack for twisted feet or wrists! I feel miserable but I’m still very inventive. I phoned the doctor and even he couldn’t tell me nothing new. He didn’t know about this either! :))
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