24 Hours Of Christmas! C – 6

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Some days, it’s really not easy for Santa to bring all those presents to boys and girls all over the world! Some days, it takes more than 24 Hours to pull that mission: impossible right!

Some days, even Jack Bauer has it all wrong! But behold! Only 6 days til Christmas! Ho, ho ho! (if you’re not familiar with the almighty Jack Bauer, don’t let this get to your heart! It’s an innocent video and Santa wasn’t harmed in the making of this clip! Oh, and… Merry Christmas!)

1 comment so far

#1 Adriana on 12.21.09 at 9:59 am

That’s funny! Aha, there’s a guy who find this Christmas Wish in his mailbox.
LOL, I can see his face yet.

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