Guns’n’Roses Sweet Child O’Mine

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I heard that Guns’n’Roses wrote this song in five minutes. That’s about what happened to me when I though about this week’s beloved Friday Break: it just came out of nowhere, fillin’ my lungs with ‘Roses air!

Guns’n’Roses. Sweet Child o’Mine. Brings back sweet memories? (you already know I’m a rocker at heart, this is just another pretext to manifest my rockin’ spirit!) Enjoy! (more about the song right after the jump!)

Sweet Child o’Mine was included on the Appetite for Destruction debut album of G’n’R, 1987. It’s a love song, actually, written for Erin Everly, Axl Rose’s (then) girlfriend. Slash’s debut riff started out as a joke, something they’d never thought it would actually work as a lead song for the album. Part of the 100 Greatest Guitar Solos list (#37), Sweet Child o’Mine’s introduction riff was highlighted as the no.1 all-time riff by the same Total Guitar magazine.

And if you believed this was randomly picked, well, Sweet Child o’Mine is featured on an original movie soundtrack! The Wrestler‘s Soundtrack! (via, photo via)


#1 Adriana on 04.10.09 at 5:32 pm

Thank you so very, very much Kpriss!!

Yes, Axl heard Slash playing the riff when he was in another room above and while he listened to it he wrote this lyrics. Axl Rose, mad as he is, has written some heartbreaking beautiful love songs. Like this one. Slash’ riff still gives me goose bumps!

Axl Rose donated the song to The Wrestler on request of Mickey Rourke. Mickey loves the song too. In his boxing days Sweet Child was his song when he came up to enter the ring. And there’s this scene in The Wrestler where he mentions Guns n’ Roses as “those were the days of great rock n’ roll”…..oh yeah….sighs…

I just wanted to log off but took a last peak here and I couldn’t believe my eyes, Guns n’ Roses as our Friday Break! Such a nice surprise so more goose bumps and a big smile here….thanks again Kpriss! xxx

#2 Lily on 04.11.09 at 12:59 am

The reason why I am going to watch The Wrestler is because I heard that Axl donate the song to it. Such a great song. I love Guns N’ Roses.

#3 TR on 04.11.09 at 2:29 am

Kpriss, this song…what a legendary song. I loved it back then, and I can still appreciate the song now. I still do my Axl impersonation, right at the end, when Axl’s pitch rises.

#4 Ellington on 04.11.09 at 9:15 am

I am not a fan of Guns and Roses. I never liked their music or sensibility, but this song makes Adriana happy so I am all for it being on the blog today! :)

#5 Adriana on 04.11.09 at 6:24 pm

By the way, the girl with the dark curly hair and kissed by Axl is Erin Everly. Daughter of Don Everly who was a member of the once famous Everly Brothers.
(Although I think people who loves Guns n’ Roses or this song/video does know that.)

Fashion wise, Axl loved to shop (once rich and famous) at the Armani and Versace shops. He has also often dined with the Versaces. In 2006 he performed on a private party of Donatella Versace.

#6 Adriana on 04.11.09 at 6:26 pm

Sorry forgot something, there’s a rare short video on YouTube of the Versace party.

#7 loveguns on 04.11.09 at 6:30 pm

This one?

#8 Adriana on 04.12.09 at 6:35 am

Yes, that one. I hate it so much I didn’t wanted to post it. I’d rather listen to Axl than to watch him these days. Sounds afwul here as well….brrr…..
Ha, now this would have been a very good reason to start one of his many famous rants!

#9 kpriss on 04.13.09 at 4:45 pm

I’m so happy you liked it! All of you!

Ellington, lol!

Adriana, thank you for all your useful insights! I had no idea he donated the song for the Wrestler! Good for him, he must be a sentimental!

As for that Versace party, it was kinda strange, but then again, what do I know about high profile parties?

#10 Adriana on 04.14.09 at 4:03 am

A fan of both guys Kpriss as you know.
Since Ellington wrote some time ago: “Have you seen him (Axl) lately?” I hadn’t. All those past 15 years I’ve kept on listening (reguraly) to the old Guns and never paid attention anymore to the band members since Axl seemed to have dissapeared.
Sweet Ellington O’ Mine that was quite a shock when I did look at him at last LOL! I can’t get used to that hair…ageing, fatter, I don’t mind, but that hair….and the nip/tucks….like Mickey though he’s still adorable…..and Ellington now I’m hooked on Axl’s latest cd, your fault LOL! I love it. Axl sentimental? Very much so you should hear his lyrics….beautiful sentimental though.

Kpriss, I’ve not any desire to belong to the group that appears on this high profile parties. I would like to be a fly on the wall though for once.

#11 Lily on 04.14.09 at 4:18 am

I am happy you like Chinese Democracy. I love it. Lyrics are great, especially This I love.

#12 Adriana on 04.14.09 at 10:37 am

Lily, I love the album. This I Love was the first song I’d listen to and I was sold. Now the album has grown on me I’d even think it’s brilliant. Though to me this is not GnR but Axl and lots and lots of other musicians.
In a chat with fans Axl has said that Mickey Rourke has promised to play a part in the video-clip for Shackler’s Revenge. But Better (with as it seems Lars Ulrich in it) is planned as first single…..but how long have people has to wait for that? Pff….LOL, I guess we need a “little patience”?

#13 Adriana on 06.17.09 at 3:00 pm

Kpriss, I’ve found out why Axl Rose was at the Versace party in 2006. He posed for Italia Vogue L’Uomo! It’s for Axl’s second life as a rockstar. Ugh….I can’t hardly look at these photos….arrgghhh….The second life isn’t really a success due to his ehh, mood swings….
Anyway, they should have done that 15 years earlier….
(Someone sent it to me.)

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