Arlo Weiner Does GQ

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Arlo Weiner styleFinally someone tops Kanye! Arlo Weiner, Matt Weiner’s son (Mad Men creator) is the sylemaster of them all (dixit GQ)! Mixing patterns, matching top hats and dressing like Frank Sinatra is something he does on a daily basis. Outshining David Beckham, Arlo has been graced with a GQ profile. All sounds great. Except for the simple, moral, historical fact that Arlo was born in 2001 (yes, you’re reading that right!) (via Racked)


#1 Ellington on 03.11.09 at 8:56 pm

I think he is adorable and is channeling the Artful Dodger. : )

#2 Adriana on 03.12.09 at 2:14 pm

Not a trend I do embrace: children as style-icons. That’s a def no-go for me!
Leave the kids alone!

#3 meghan on 04.12.09 at 7:30 am

He’s just doing his thing. Nothing cooler then that!

#4 Emily on 05.26.09 at 10:48 am

Kids and fashion really intrigue some people as it does myself. There is another African American Five year old who is just as stylish , i really feel these kids are wonderful nothing negative about a well dressed kid!.

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