Meet Ataui Deng!

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A while back I told you I ran into Alek Wek in Paris, on the street. And (maybe because I’m not used to seeing models running down the street every day) I was impressed of how beautiful and graceful she was.

Our friend Ellington remembered that particular rendez-vous and send me a link recently about Ataui Deng. Ataui Deng is a young Sudanese woman, 17 years old. Beautiful and graceful, looking every inch her aunt, Alek Wek! Thank you, Ellington, Here she goes – Ataui Deng! Wishing her the best of luck in her chosen career! (photos via nymag,

Ataui Deng runway pictures

Ataui Deng catwalk pictures


#1 Dolly Bird on 11.06.08 at 2:28 pm

OMG I see the star quality in her!
Her aunt is one of my favourite models and Ataui better be prepared for a fantastic modelling career like Aunty Alek.
Btw I read recently that Alek Wek is about to open schools in neglected areas in the Sudan.I wish her all the best in her projects.

#2 Adriana on 11.07.08 at 7:03 am

Yes I can see her see having a future as a model. Gosh,a lot off the Sudanese and Somali women are so breathtaking beautiful.

Alek Wek should have support from fashion lovers. Every cent counts….

#3 Adriana on 11.09.08 at 10:15 am

I’ve to come back to look at this very cute beauty. Her eyes are so sad. It almost hurt. The sad look I’ve seen on the faces off girls who had circumcision….maybe I shouldn’t mention this at all….but it still happens. Even here, the Netherlands, with immigrants who can’t let go off their culture. Gorgeous girls and women with that sad look…..It drove former topmodel Waris Dirie to alcohol. I’ve her books. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, former Dutch/Somali politican (in that order as she wishes herself) and activist has told and written a lot about it. It happened to her too. I admire her guts….so sad….

#4 Ellington on 11.09.08 at 1:40 pm

Ataui is lovely and I could see her having a very fruitful modeling career! Her Auntie Alek is one of my favourite models and role models, she has never forgotten where she came from and always tries to give back! I am very happy that you did a posting on her Kpriss! Thanks!

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