Kate Moss Covers Vogue UK December 2008

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Another year, another Vogue cover. The same Kate Moss. With makeup this time. Flawlessly fashionable and perfectly fit for a cover picture.

It’s more suitable for a Brides &co magazine, but I like the pose. In fact, I like all this Fashion Fantastic issue. Too bad she had to pull a Marilyn for this picture. And I do believe they could’ve gone easier on the Photoshop tools, Kate looks like she’s covering Vogue December 1998, not 2008, don’t you think? (more pictures right after the jump! click the images to see larger photos) (photos via tfs)

Kate Moss Vogue UK December 2008 cover

Kate Moss Vogue UK December 2008 full cover

Kate Moss Vogue UK December 2008 cover picture


#1 Dolly Bird on 11.01.08 at 4:58 pm

At first glance I thought the cover looked whimpy but on second thought I kind of like it.
98 or O8 the image seems timeless.

#2 Ellington on 11.02.08 at 10:34 am

I like it and she looks lovely and the cover is kind of whimsical meringue. I don’t find it dated fashion always repeats its self, nothing is new anymore really.
Its a derivative, it just matters if it is done well, and I think that this is.

#3 Adriana on 11.02.08 at 10:47 am

I love this Vogue UK, sorry girls not because of the FANTASTIC cover: I hate white lies……but Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter are irresistible….

What’s the use of feeding the fish on the right if I may ask???

#4 Ellington on 11.02.08 at 10:58 am

Adriana! Feeding the fish is fun! Sometimes its nice not to have a rhyme or reason! : )

#5 kpriss on 11.02.08 at 3:35 pm

I’m glad you like the cover! It’s a magical Vogue issue, I’ll be posting some pictorials soon!

As for the fishes, my husband likes them a lot. I’m not a fish fan myself. Or at least I wasn’t up until now! So he found these fishes we can bring home on our website too, for the fun of it! You click on the screen, and that leaves a yellow spot, food for the fishes and they come quick, quick eat it all. It’s just fun to do so and the fishes look adorable. Hope you’ll enjoy them too! They’re just there… Fishes.

#6 Adriana on 11.02.08 at 4:32 pm

Oh lol, now I got it! I was under the influence of a killer race: the last Formula 1 race of this season….I’m still alive after all the exitement! My heart was beating so fast…and I yelled, screamed…gosh..
So, this race is yet historical. The youngest and first black racer in the Haute Couture of racing won the championship! So bravo Lewis Hamilton!

And now my heartbeat is almost back to normal it gives me some peace of mind to feed fishes….

Oh and that cover? Fantastico!
Up to the US-elections now! Oh my poor heart…..

#7 Ellington on 11.02.08 at 4:42 pm

Huzzah for Lewis Hamilton!
Go for it Barack Obama!
Yippee for feeding fish! : )
I have a Siamese fighting fish who is named Nole-Nadal (after two of my favourite tennis players). I love to feed him and to watch him swim is relaxing and peaceful! : )

#8 Hapsical Blog on 11.03.08 at 3:03 pm

Hahah, 1998 all the way.. very funny comment :)

#9 stylista808 on 11.06.08 at 6:39 pm

This is a re-make of a 90’s Harper’s Bazaar January cover featuring Linda Evangelista under the tutelage of Liz Tilberis!

#10 cc on 01.03.10 at 1:35 am

So pretty! She looks like an ailing swan

#11 Adriana on 01.03.10 at 8:37 am


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