Friday Break – Nicole Kidman And Robbie Williams Somethin Stupid

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I guess you already know I’m not a Nicole Kidman fan. On the contrary, I find her so false and artificial I can hardly understand why she’s so sought after.

However, even I am entitled to a little exception every little now and then and this is my Nicole Kidman’s exception. Alongside Robbie Williams she’s working such a wonderful character I hardly can deny the beauty of it all. You tell me how it looks like and especially how it sounds like! I for one confessed my falling for this song. Enjoy this Friday Break – Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman Somethin’ Stupid!

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 07.19.08 at 8:09 am

Yes Kpriss, Nicole Kidman is the high priestess of artifice. I agree she is artificial and fake and I often think she would have been better off being a movie star in the 1940’s so she could maintain her air of glamour and artifice without too much critique. But thanks for this pleasant ditty. It was well sung and a very prettily shot retro feel video. : )

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