Happy Mother’s Day After Hours!

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Yesterday’s celebration was so overwhelming, it just have to had an after hours, right? That’s maybe to remind us all that we don’t celebrate mothers just one day/year, May 11th.

And it’s a known fact that mothers, like any women, love flowers! And it’s a known fact that Nederlands has a unique specificity – tulips. Maybe some of you are familiar with these views, I was not, thus I found it overwhelmingly beautiful. This is Monday’s “easy like Sunday morning”, Mother’s day after hours (click the picture for a larger perspective)! Enjoy!

Nederlands Tulip Farms
(photo source)

1 comment so far

#1 Adriana on 05.13.08 at 7:20 am

I’m on my way to lose my love for photography complete. Yes, this looks very familiar to me. I have access to a spot where you can see a view like this once a year and its breathtaking wonderful to see and smell.
It doesn’t look like this though. Until my great pleasure in the real world it is impossible to photoshop and far more beautiful than this.

Anyway, thank you for this view.

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