I never look at my keyboard when writing and this time I started the article looking at Gwyneth Paltrow’s picture.. you know.. for inspiration…And the first letters just came by themselves when I wanted to write “Gwyneth” I wrote “why” instead.
Why Gwyneth? Why another you on another magazine cover? I was so well without! I even moved on with SJP’s number! I was beginning to believe there was no more Gwyn’menace and then pop! This cover is soooo wrong, I don’t even know where to begin (let’s start with the cover and then take care of the three more pictures following)!
Let’s imagine this: the editor demands a fierce looking Gwyneth. The photographer asks Gwyneth to look mean. Gwyneth does this pose! Now what?
Hand it over to the photoshoppers, they’ll surely know what to do and turn this into a fierce-G. The photoshop guy must have been high on lollipops because instead of giving her the mean-treat, he got her the bi-stick – by turning her legs into pins.
Well, who cares, anyway, you take the magazine to read it open, not with the cover on! Heuresement!
(photos via tfs)
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