Jennifer Aniston Pregnant? Anne Hathaway Pregnant?

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Now that I started talking about wee ones and baby bumps: have you heard the latest pregnancy rumors circulating around? They target Jennifer Aniston and Anne Hathaway. If Jennifer is one of tabloids’ favorite topics, the idea that Anne Hathaway could join the tabloid’s favorite speculations circle is a bit scary.

Why? Because it seems to me like it’s all because of her infamous wardrobe malfunction at Les Miserables premiere (just in case you haven’t heard about it already: Anne Hathaway was surprised by paparazzi flashes while getting out of the car for the Les Mis premiere. But she wasn’t wearing anything underneath her dress. So.. you do the paparazzi math! But Anne has been incredibly elegant about the entire malfunction matter, and very clever too. You can see her dealing with the situation after the jump, in a televised interview.)

Now: back to the baby bump tabloid wars. Jennifer Aniston is pregnant with twins. So they say. Naturally, a boy and a girl! (the story continues after the jump!)

Jennifer Aniston Anne Hathaway pregnancy rumors

OK Magazine even claims there’s a fancy $1Million nursery ready for the babies! While wishing only the best for Jen and her fiancé, I can’t help but be thankful that the tabloid wedding / separation Jen – Angelina – Brad triangle is over! So how about Anne, then? Do you also think her recent effervescence is due to the incipient pregnancy’s hormones storm?


#1 Diyana on 12.21.12 at 10:59 am

Poor thing.

She’s such a beauty and good actrisse.

Kpriss, I like the new design, a lot.

#2 kpriss on 12.21.12 at 11:13 am

Awww! Thank you so much! It means the world <3 Santa's working hard at refreshing it <3 (et il vient de sauter de joie en lisant tes mots :* )

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