Karen Elson Sings: Karen Elson’s The Ghost Who Walks

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Something about models crossing all kinds of artistic territories tells us that maybe, just maybe, modelling is just a phase in someone’s life and, some of them feel the need to move on. Or so I think.

Karen Elson, besides being a gorgeous model is also a singer. Did you know? Her album, called The Ghost Who Walks should sound like this (you can watch the video right after the jump). Which is really not bad at all, considering she has a beautiful voice. You’ll be able to find her new album starting Mai 25 2010. I wonder if she’ll stay on the chanting course or not. Some have made it as far as First Ladies… (via)

Karen Elson singing


#1 Adriana on 04.29.10 at 12:33 pm

Haven’t I told here about Karen? Because I love her singing for quite some time. I’ve this video since some time in Faves on YouTube and really enjoy it. There’s a lot more to find about Karen’s singing.
I love it she get this attention. Great Kpriss!! Check it out everyone. :))

#2 Adriana on 04.29.10 at 12:38 pm

Great song…..shivers……
The album is produced by Jack White. Not really a surprise of course.

#3 Rob Schneider Rules on 04.29.10 at 8:01 pm

I think it’s so cute that Jack White found a ‘red and white’ goddess like her, given his lifelong interest in those colours!

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