Gucci Ski Goggles, The Christmas Gift For Sportive Fashionistas

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I remember hearing Paris Hilton talking about her Holidays plans. And that it involved something about Aspen. And skiing. So I figured she mustn’t be the only one doing Aspen or skiing. And wanting to keep her high fashion on, of course!

So for all of you fashionistas on skis, here’s from Gucci: $195 unisex goggles with thermal barrier and anti fog lenses. And easily-to-see-from-an-helicopter-even Gucci stretch headband! How can you resist? (via)

Gucci Ski Goggles

Gucci Ski Goggles box


#1 Daydreamer on 12.18.09 at 7:45 pm

I actually love skiing, though not very often so I really like this. It’s kind of like a present that no one would give me. Because no snow here in Thailand, why bother buying me ski goggles.

#2 kpriss on 12.19.09 at 8:27 am

it’s fashion daaaahling! You don’t have to have snow, just pretend! Fashion is all about a powerful imagination!

The Kaiser hates sports and yet he’s so into making skis, bikes and so on! :*

#3 Ellington on 12.19.09 at 8:59 am

I like them, but I am not too fond of the Gucci colours, I have never been. I would wear them though to go snowboarding! :)

#4 Daydreamer on 12.19.09 at 10:48 am

I can actually use it when riding motorcycle.

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