Miley Cyrus In Hervé Léger Max Azria Dress At The Grammys 2009

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I’m puzzled when it comes to 16-years old and how they’re supposed to dress for a soiree (especially such an important one like the Grammys).

If it wasn’t for Miley’s rude teenage ways, I couldn’t judge her age just by judging her outfit. She was wearing a dress designed by Hervé Léger for Max Azria, from his personal collection, specially “bedazzled” for Miley Cyrus. (more pictures and a video right after the jump!)

Miley Cyrus Max Azria Grammy 2009

Miley took the stage with Taylor Swift for a surprising duet, singing “Fifteen” and presenting the award for Best Collaborations.

Miley Cyrus Max Azria Grammy 2009 4 Miley Cyrus Max Azria Grammy 2009 3 Miley Cyrus Taylor Swift Grammy 2009

I guess it’s not just the catwalk going for younger representatives, is it? How devastating is a teenager’s need for attention in a stage performance and how badly would that affect her/his future career? (photos via celebutopia)


#1 Hapsical London Fashion Blog on 02.09.09 at 2:46 pm

This is what I’d call a good old fashioned fashion disaster!

It almost looks like a normal tight, short, revealing Hervé Léger dress has had a big extra ‘modesty skirt’ attatched to the bottom!! (perhaps to prevent any more controversy about her exposing too much at too young an age?!)

#2 Ellington on 02.09.09 at 5:36 pm

I think that the dress is nice looking but I do think that its too old for her. She should be wearing something young and fun.

#3 coffee on 02.11.09 at 7:13 am

Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift’s duet at the Grammys ended up sounding better than i would have expected

#4 kpriss on 02.15.09 at 3:16 pm

Haps, you’re so right! I wonder if that dress was Miley’s idea!

Ellington, I’m more and more for teens Haute Couture collections! Let them wear their years!

Coffee, thanks for stopping by, indeed, the duet wasn’t bad. But I think Miley was trying too hard to sound like Taylor…

#5 Jessica on 05.28.09 at 12:32 pm

She looks gross.
And her performance just totaly sucked!
I always think she sounds like a dieing seal, but that night she just sounded worse than everr!
but the sad part is, she thinks she sounds amazing.

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