10 Unexpected Instagram Pictures From Disney Princesses

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Are you familiar with Instagram? Whether you’re an Instagram-mer or not, here are some facts you may not know about the oh-so-popular phone app to help you form a richer perspective on the insta-matter! In October, Instagram will celebrate its 3rd anniversary. Ever. Since October 2010, Instagram has reached:
over 130Million active users.

Over 16 Billion photos have been taken&shared with Instagram.
Over 58 Photos are shared every second.
Over 40 Million photos shared daily.
Over 1000 Instagram Comments per second.
Over 8,500 Instagram Likes per second.
Over 257 Minutes Instagram average visit time.
Over $750 Million paid by Facebook to acquisition Instagram in 2012.

Now you’re not surprised to hear that even our beloved Disney Princesses have an Instagram account. Except they’re hypothetical. Virtual. But funny nevertheless – ins’t that the point of Instagram? Fun? So our made up Instagram story begins (with a little help from the internet’s sleepover, BforBel):

Disney Princesses Instagram accounts

Once upon a time, Disney Princesses joined Instagram. And they would have the most beautiful Instagram accounts! And they would share everything they do, each day. Their Instagram pictures would be the most beautiful and they would comment each other’s snapshots with the loveliest comments.

The yummiest food Tiana makes, the fanciest dress Cinderella wears, the kindest gesture Pocahontas makes. Everything is on Instagram. Would you follow them should they be on Instagram?

prettiest Instagram pictures Disney Princesses

Or better: would you follow an Instagram account that would provide you with Disney Princesses virtual Instapics even though they’re just as authentic and real as the Princesses themselves?

It’s like that time we marveled at how fashionable our classic Disney Princesses would be, should they ever choose to update their wardrobe! I mean: can you really hold back from liking and sharing anything that has Disney Princesses in? Annie Leibovitz knows better so she’s delivering her best Disney Princesses portraits in the famous Disney Legends portraits series.

Disney Princesses instapics

We’ve become addicted to documented reality, we’ve become intrusive, overly curious and we love to stalk… ahem follow as many people as our social accounts permits us. More: we crave for popularity at such point that some opportunists make fortunes over providing your accounts of choice with fake likes and fake fans. The very sacred essence of our childhood dreams, our beloved Disney Princesses can easily become the subject of our stalking just to see what they’re really doing and how they’re feeling, thinking, baking, wearing this and that.

Because even though we fantasize about disconnecting and relaxing, we’d blindly cram so many social accounts and spend so many time on our social media channels on our gadgets that we sometimes forget to look up and see how the clouds move in the blue sky.

loveliest Instapics Disney Princesses

But who cares about that when you can like Jasmine’s instapic of her Sultan’s Palace? Who cares about green leaves and crickets when you can admire Cinderella’s new pink dress? You can see green leaves everywhere and hear crickets anyday, but Cinderella won’t wear another pink dress until… maybe tomorrow?

Funniest Instapics Disney Princesses

That being said, don’t forget to follow your favorite style-for-thought destination, Stylefrizz.com on its social media channels: Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram! wink

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