Wolverine’s First Cover. With Claws And Frown

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Talking about beards. And Men. And Movies! Waiting for Wolverine to drop in theaters worldwide in about a month or so (end of July, to be more specific), Entertainment Weekly is way ahead of us as they’re making Hugh Jackman take out his Wolverine claws on their June cover.

This is so becoming for the 44yo actor who makes such a credible Logan/Wolverine. Not that he didn’t do an outstanding Valjean as well, but Miserables wasn’t my cup of tea. As I said the other day, I’d rather have brainless fun at the cinemas instead of singing through my tears in desperate misery. Theatrically speaking, biensur. So this sounds like a super-movies-year with The Man of Steel dropping mid-June and Thor 2 this fall, not to mention the great Iron Man 3 a couple of weeks ago.

Given that the summer is still young, I’m still hoping for better super-covers than this. But EW had the merit of being the first. Right?

Hugh Jackman Wolverine s first cover EW

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 05.25.13 at 8:23 am

Yes, Hugh Jackman does make a pretty nifty Logan/Wolverine! There have been some comic book ‘purists’ who do not care for his Logan because he is far too tall, he supposed to be 5’3″, but I like the commitment that Hugh Jackman gives to the role without making the character campy. I am looking forward to this Superhero film, will this and Superman for which I am highly stoked for! : )

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