Katy Perry And GHD Straight To Court

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I was just sitting back, thinking about what other artist, musical personality, biensur, could perform in Hedi Slimane’s Saint Laurent Paris campaigns… And this news tidbit came into mind, something I read the other day about Katy Perry!

What? So what if Hedi Slimane would bring Katy on board of the SLP democratization boat? She’s not rock enough, you say? Pff, neither is the Daft Punk duo, mind you! And if we’re to stick to the mask-criteria, Katy Perry sure wore a lot of masks. In her hair! Oh, you’re not considering wigs as masks? think again (wink)…

Without further thinking (who knows what mindfreaking conclusions we might come up with!), here’s what happened: Katy Perry had an advertising contract with ghd, as she was representing for the UK based ‘Good Hair Day’ company (click through to read the unexpected development of their collaboration).

Katy Perry straightens her hair with ghd no more

Relatively fresh on the North American market (they officially entered the US in 2006), they hired Katy Perry as their spokesperson for a two years contract. However, years have passed and Katy isn’t as successful as she was in selling hair straighteners so ghd is trying to shed her as if she were a bad hair (tmz has more dirty details). But now they could be heading straight to court to settle their financial claims. Honestly, I would rejoice more if people weren’t buying ghd straighteners (although they’re fantastically good from what I heard) because they’re not submitting their hair to such a gruesome process, not because Katy’s music isn’t all that popular anymore…

1 comment so far

#1 Appollonia on 04.18.13 at 8:18 am

I have not the slightest idea what ghd straighteners are? Neither am I aware of this campaign…..
Is that Katy Perry on that pic? Could be anyone else thanks to photoshop. And why isn’t her hair straight then? What do I miss???

Recently I saw a video of a rock/metal award red carpet and these tough guys were asked what their guilty pleasure was. Among them Slash. He asked his wife: “what’s the name of that Katy Perry song I like?” and that was California Girls. But we knew yet he loves them haha…so, rockers love Katy Perry songs too. Take note Hedi ;)

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