Ducati & Diesel: Ducati Monster Diesel Motorcycle

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Have I ever told you we’re true bikers at heart? Motorcycles have been on our mind / heart for forever, both me and my Adored Husband we were signed in for the motorcycle drivers license when I found out I was pregnant. (needless to say we both pulled out of motorcycle training and … well, the rest is history – wink).

So don’t be surprised about this Ducati Monster Diesel story! There’s hardly any paragraph that would describe this project more / better than the video after the jump! Click through and watch it! The very urban military chic Ducati Monster Diesel will be available at Ducati stores worldwide this summer (late July).

Ducati Monster Diesel Motorcycle


#1 Riana on 03.28.12 at 6:17 am

I’d fail the drivers license test…*blush*…while my reward would be a motor bike! We have very strict and hard exams though. I heard it’s easier in the US?

Oh, I love, I love….it’s such an adrenaline kick. I love bikes and the noise and the wind and…sighs…this Ducati is so very desirable….<3

#2 Ellington on 03.28.12 at 4:06 pm

This is one nifty looking motorcycle!
And it is green too, my favourite colour! :)

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