I was so surprised by Karl Lagerfeld’s choice of model, that I think I forgot to mention it altogether! So Alice Dellal is a Chanel representative now, having signed with the luxury fashion house for the Boy Chanel Handbags Ad Campaign.
In her shoes, before her, equally surprising young ladies have tried to convince the young audience that Chanel’s appeal is not just timeless, is also modern. Trendy. (Lily Allen, Blake Lively, Alice Dellal. Der Kaiser is really unpredictable when it comes to choosing his leading ladies. Now let’s cross fingers and hope it won’t be Rooney Mara, his next marketing sweetheart! After all, if H&M saw a powerful, independent woman in her GWTDT character, Lisbeth, why wouldn’t Lagerfeld?) How about some class, Karl? We’d love to see that from Chanel! Wouldn’t we?
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