Adele Without Makeup

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I feel strange for doing this. Because I really love Adele and I think she is one of the most gifted people I’ve ever seen / heard in my life! In her own words: “I wish nothing but the best for you”, Adele! (I can’t even read this phrase anymore without hearing Adele singing it in the back of my head – the lady is simply amazing!).

However, I’m always stunned by what makeup and an inspiring hairdo can do to one’s appearance. We’ve seen it before, here’s the Adele edition: Adele without makeup. I love her dearly, so by no means is this meant to belittle her in our eyes and hearts! It’s just.. how do I put this politely? I have absolutely no clue how to find what style suits me best. How do you get by with styling yourself?) (photos via 1, 2)

Adele with and without makeup


#1 Ellington on 09.29.11 at 12:16 pm

She is wonderful and talented with or without makeup on.
And why does this really matter?

#2 kpriss on 09.29.11 at 12:54 pm

ummm… because, like I said, I sometimes have troubles in finding the right hairstyle to suit and flatter me best (and makeup). And whenever I discover the before / after styling pictures of someone famous (or less famous) I’m contemplating the approach. Trying to determine the inspiration and the perspective?

#3 Ellington on 09.29.11 at 8:45 pm

Well it does depend if I am going out or staying, if it is a humid day (which can play havoc for good or ill with my hair and I am sure yours also Kpriss).
I think that there is no pat solution you have to just feel how you feel at the time. Sometimes it is a wear no makeup and wear a stylish scarf in my hair day, or just clip it back into a ponytail, or just pile it up.
It all depends. : )

#4 kpriss on 09.29.11 at 9:08 pm

True, true. Subjectivity rules the world. Although you’ll have to agree that some people find their “right” style long before those like me are tired of trying out styles in the dark. I can’t see Anna W wearing anything but her fringed bob, for instance. Adele’s retro big hair and heavy eyeliner makes her magically beautiful while Gwyneth Paltrow, who’s always been consistently long – haired is now looking way better than she did years ago, although still sporting straight long locks and the same haircolor (pretty much, I can’t tell the exact difference between the many shades of blonde, red or brown).

I think I put too much pressure on my hair (smile) and surely an immeasurable strain on my (empty) makeup bag (smile again).

#5 Ellington on 09.29.11 at 9:23 pm

And you know what I think you look stellar all the time any time!
<3 : )

#6 kpriss on 09.29.11 at 10:15 pm

(blushing) it’s all in our head, huh? :*

#7 ajginger on 10.01.11 at 7:59 am

It’s all in our head ladies! I noticed so often that it doesn’t really matter what I look like; it’s the vibe I am in that make people interact. :)

You two are gorgeous no matter what your look is; you are just fine the way you are! Hugs :*

#8 Ellington on 10.01.11 at 9:01 am

Yes, it is all in our heads because that is where a good beauty attitude starts! : )
And thanks for that ajginger, you are lovely too! : )

#9 meee on 01.06.12 at 11:35 am

adele is one of the best singer i´ve heard!
she has an interesting voice,and she is my fan! :) <3
was she with or without make up to me she is the best!
im from europ from croatia and i love her songs!


#10 EGeeziss on 02.20.12 at 3:56 pm

She looks like Roger from American Dad.

#11 hippolover on 03.06.12 at 1:16 pm

You say this “by no means is meant to belittle her” but do you really mean that? Does she even want those pictures going around? Yeah, I doubt it. She says she doesn’t much care how she looks but everyone cares a little, right?

#12 Amra on 04.12.13 at 12:55 am

Well, she look like 23, and she is more cute to me without make up

#13 Adele Appleton on 04.30.13 at 3:18 pm

Wow, dont really know what to say….. I always thought she always overdid it with the makeup, but seeing her without it on changes my mind…. she dosent really look that great. No, thats an understatement- she looks AH- MAZING WITHOUT HER MAKEUP ON!

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