You may have noticed not long ago, a feature on Vogue Paris’ new editor in chief, Emmanuelle Alt. Or more specifically, about her style essentials. If you enjoyed that little peek in Emmanuelle’s fashhabits, you may also like knowing what Sofia Coppola’s style essentials are!
Sofia’s favorite pair of jeans comes from Acne and they’re hex black. They go well with the Charvet shirts she’s ordering (if Charvet doesn’t ring a bell, then you should know that they’re as exclusive as it get, the shirt makers of very important persons from Coco Chanel to the president Reagan, almost every prominent figure in history was wearing Charvet shirts! Their price starts around $400 and mount up to $1,500). I’m guessing that when she was photographed at Cannes, Sofia was wearing Charvet? (more insights on Sofia Coppola’s style after the jump!)
Her favorite bag, naturally, is SC by Louis Vuitton, in small navy. She also loves Alaia ballet flats, Prada silk pajamas, Celine classic coat in navy, Marc Jacobs men’s cashmere sweaters (crew neck, navy or light gray). For airplane or not-wanting-to-get-dressed occasions: Louis Vuitton cashmere legging pants and Bora cashmere socks. Basic white, black, gray with navy stripes Alexander Wang t – shirt dresses (oh, how we understand that, don’t we?). Araks underwear (which she fell in love with shooting Lost in Translation).
Gadget-wise, Sofia Coppola loves her Contax T3 camera and a Smythson fuchsia Soho diary. I pretty like her style choices. Unfussy, unpretentious (that is if you replace the Charvet shirts with.. dunno.. Gap shirts maybe?). Now if she could only tell us where she got those dreamy black wedges she was wearing at Cannes?! Sigh! (via)
1 comment so far
very cool – i love learning about new brands :)
had never heard about araks or charvet
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