This makes a proud addition to the pretty reckless but designer stuffed Christmas list. Just in case you find useful to buy a $530 Nespresso CitiZ machine.
Reskined by Manish Arora with colorful and fantastic motifs, the new Nespresso CitiZ by Manish Arora tells a magical story too. It’s all happening in a far far away kingdom (Swig) governed by the Bacchitarius. Like any other respected and respectful rulers, Bacchitarius is a reputed hunter. He’s hunting young ladies eager to become queens. So he finds Nespresso, a girl who quietly threw pebbles in a brow hot spring who soon became his queen and gave him 16 daughters (with noble missions to spread their love and fragrance around the world). I wonder what they really put in that Nespresso machine instead of caffeine! (either way – the Manish Arora Nespresso CitiZ is sold exclusively in the Nespresso Boutique from the notorious avenue des Champs-Elysées – yep, that’s in Paris) (via)
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