Gemma Ward, Tamara, The Cranky Mermaid From P.O.T.C. 4 On Stranger Tides

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It must be one of those rare occasions when I’m impatiently waiting for the Holidays season to be over. In fact, I’m waiting for it to be May 2011 over! That’s how over I want it right now. Riiight now! (if I sound like a 5 feet 6yo, it’s not my fault – it’s Disney’s and its brilliant’s Pirates of the Caribbean! And Johnny Depp’s!)

We’ve all been hearing rumors about the gorgeous Gemma Ward not returning to the fashion industry cradle but instead choosing the Hollywood path. Well, there we have it – the confirmation that she is, indeed, going rogue on us! She’s a certified actress, starring alongside Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz in the fourth installment of Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean – On Stranger Tides! (don’t miss the trailer – if you haven’t already seen it – and even if you did, it doesn’t hurt watching it again – it’s right after the jump!)

UPDATE: Watch Gemma singing the Pirate Song after the jump!

Gemma Ward Mermaid Pirates of the Caribbean Stranger Tides

Gemma Ward Tamara Mermaid Pirates of the Caribbean

She’s playing a mermaid, in fact, not far from her usual fashion – self. So one would just expect her to swim and be beautiful while doing it. That and luring and kissing the sailors. Well, instead, we’ve got a pretty cranky Mermaid, by the looks of the trailer. (yes, I watched it! Yes, against my rules! And Yes! I will be watching the movie upon its release – it’s Pirates of the Caribbean, how can you resist? It’s one of those rare trailers where the film synopsis is far from being unveiled; one of those rare movies where its complexity could never, ever be contained in a 2min cinematically engineered trailer!) So – is it April 2011 already? (that’s when the P.O.T.C. 4 will be released!) (via)


#1 keiko on 01.29.11 at 7:36 pm

The wonderful Gemma Ward has given anexclusive interview to an OZ newspaper & is heading back home to be in a stage play in Perth. Fingers crossed that she does some PR work as a budding actress in OZ Vogue or Bazaar – 2011 wishlist!

#2 eiei on 05.25.11 at 8:02 am

So cuteeeeeee >.<

#3 Axel J.Storm on 06.15.11 at 4:20 pm

After watching Pirates of the Caribbean on stanger tides, there are 2 mermaids that realy knocked me out. That’s Syrena(Astrid Berges-Frisbey) and Tamara(Gemma Ward). So I’m just wrighting this to wish you guys luck. :)

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