RIP Alexander McQueen!

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Today the fashion world is in mourning! L’enfant terrible de la mode, Alexander McQueen is no longer among us. The few details were published so far tell us that he took his own life. Condolences to his family, we will miss you terribly, Mr McQueen! (you can admire some of his wonderful overtalented work here)

RIP Alexander McQueen


#1 Becky on 02.11.10 at 9:33 am

He wasn’t just amaizing, he was a genius. its horrible talk about him, using the past.


#2 Ellington on 02.11.10 at 10:11 am

This is so heartbreaking. Apparently his mother just passed away also.
Suicide is a painful and desperate choice for the person who takes their life and painful time full of unanswered questions for the ones left behind. How much pain, hurt and sadness must he have been feeling in order to want it all to go away by not feeling or being anymore? That is a lot of pain. I hope that his soul finds peace, and my deepest condolences to his family and close friends. He was a wonderful artist.

#3 Adriana on 02.11.10 at 11:49 am

This news broke my heart. It take sometimes guts to live on as I believe it take guts to not longer want to live on. I am very sad he decided to give up and my heart goes out to the ones close to him.
The world lost a great artist. May he rest in peace.

#4 on 02.11.10 at 3:46 pm

I Can’t believe it… I love McQueen… We love you

#5 Bibi in wonderland on 02.12.10 at 1:49 am

Yesterday when I saw the news spreading on Twitter I was totally speachless.. such a genius and such a sad sad story… we love u Lee!

#6 kpriss on 02.12.10 at 9:05 am

Truly a genius, indeed! You know I particularly enjoyed his style as I’ve made no secret out of it and I’m still saddened by his decision.

They say it had something to do with his mother death. The pain, the suffering he must have experienced to want to leave it all behind must have been excruciating! That’s exactly what my husband said the moment I broke him the news, Ellington!

It’s so sad how they go away too soon, the great ones! :(

#7 Daydreamer on 02.15.10 at 8:33 am

I was just numb when first heard the news.

He is truly visionary and inspiring. With his invention of art and science combined together becoming wonderfully amazing, jaw dropping, show stopping seasons after seasons.

Now he’ll be missed but his designs are still with us.

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