Vintage Magazine

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Some go down, some go up! The times we live in are hardly optimized for yet another magazine.

However, calling “Vintage Magazine” a new magazine is rather unfair: everything vintage was there from the beginning of the world, now it’s just waiting to be discovered again. Founded by Ivy Baer Sherman, Vintage Magazine is a biannual artsy publication inspired by Flair magazine. Why Vintage? Because it’s meant to bring together artists, writers and more to study the historic impact of everything art. What will Vintage cost you? $32/year or $60/two years! Will it work? (if you’re still hesitant, click through to see some images from the first issue of Vintage Magazine) (via 1, 2, 3)

Vintage Magazine first cover

Vintage fashion hair

Vintage Warsaw Rome

Vintage Recipe File Cakes

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 12.02.09 at 8:35 am

It looks interesting. It reminds me a bit of “Wallpaper”. I will take a gander at it the next time I am at my favourite bookstore. :)

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