Want To Smell Like Marilyn Monroe?

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My DNA fragranceMy DNA Fragrance is the company that’ll put (famous or not) dead people DNA in a bottle and call it perfume! At one point (preferably between reading these lines and actually buying the thing) you’ll have to ask yourself if you want to “smell” like dead people. (important note: the DNA has no odor whatsoever!) (NY Daily News)


#1 Ellington on 11.23.09 at 11:19 am

Alive or dead?
Either way, no thank-you.

#2 Adriana on 11.24.09 at 10:41 am


#3 kpriss on 11.24.09 at 12:20 pm

I think it’s a scam.. But that’s just me nose sayin’ ;;)

#4 Angry Kelsea on 11.24.09 at 6:39 pm

I Really really really really want Marilyn’s Perfume

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